Spring in HOKKAIDO. Snow desappears and the land starts to change colour from white ¨ brown ¨ green. Farmers land is beautiful in June. Weather is also usually confortable and good.
Summer is high season of HOKKAIDO. You can see Lavender flowers from mid July to mid August in FURANO area. Also other flowers are beautiful. Usually HOKKAIDO is not hot like mainland Japan. Summer temperature is max 28Ž in normal year. But in hot summer can reach 34Ž in daytime. Almost all small lodges in HOKKAIDO doesn't have air-conditioner inside the house.
Autumn is good season for traveling HOKKAIDO. From end of September to early October, you can see trees aflame with red and yellow leaves around the TAISETSU mountains. Around mid November you can see the colored leaves of larch. It's golden colour and very beautiful.
In winter season, all the land is covered by white powder snow. Usually snow starts to come from end of November to early December. Temperature can reach -20 at night.

In off-season (November`May), we have irregular close of our lodge. Please ask early for winter stay.



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